Bleak Future Predicted for Opioid Crisis, Unless...

Opioid crisis

Opioid overdose deaths continue to climb across the country. Is there anything we can do?

A recent analysis published in STAT, a national publication featuring health, medicine, and scientific discoveries, makes a dire prediction about future overdose casualties in the U.S. 

Based on the rate of increase in recent years, there could be as many as 500,000 opioid overdose death per year in the U.S. by the end of the decade.

“Many victims are young, often in their 20s or 30s. Increasingly, many are white. But the plague touches all demographics: farmers and musicians, lawyers and construction workers, stay-at-home moms and the homeless,” columnist Max Blau writes.

Interviewing a dozen “men and women working in classrooms and courtrooms, in private labs and public offices, in clinics and on the street” to end this crisis, Blau cites a number of courses of action to reverse this trend:

  • Make Naloxone (the overdose antidote) and training in its use far more readily available,
  • Educate doctors to greatly reduce their opioid prescriptions,
  • Set up and utilize prescription drug monitoring programs in every state to ensure patients are not going to multiple practitioners to get enough pills to fuel an addiction,
  • Ensure health insurers enact reforms to increase access to drug addiction treatment,
  • Establish youth prevention programs.

To this, Narconon, the evidence-based, drug-free approach to rehabilitation, would add:

  • Education to help young people decide not to use drugs. ANY drugs. Because once it is acceptable to a person to use one drug, it is so much easier to ease into using others that may be plentiful in the environment.
  • Ensure that addiction recovery helps individuals learn how to live fully sober, productive lives.

The Narconon drug rehab program helps each person gain the skills needed to make sober choices every day without the need to rely on such addictive substance as Methadone, Suboxone and Buprenorphine.

For more than fifty years, Narconon has successfully helped graduates to enjoy life 100% drug-free. To learn how, call 1-888-391-7310.

