Category: Substance Abuse

Bringing her teenage sister-in-law to Narconon signaled the end of the nightmare and the beginning of the young woman's successful life.

Recent graduate of Narconon Suncoast learned it is possible to put addiction behind you—for good

Narconon provides direction to parents who are concerned their teenage children may be using drugs.

With the deadly heroin epidemic still raging out of control, addicts and their families need to know: Is Medical Assisted Treatment (MAT) all it's cracked up to be?

Surviving an abusive relationship was hard, but overcoming her addiction to cocaine seemed impossible.

Opioid overdose deaths continue to climb across the country. Is there anything we can do?

Narconon presents information on Suboxone as a public service to addicts and families who are looking into its use as a way to help loved ones overcome addictions.

Do you know how to help your kids resist peer pressure to experiment with drugs?

To bring the deadly opioid epidemic under control, Narconon urges training of medical professionals who administer addictive pain medications.

With the 4th of July the deadliest holiday weekend and with more fatal traffic accidents now involving drugs than drink, Narconon urges Americans not to permit drugged or drunk friends to drive.

Drug overdoses kill more Americans under the age of 50 than any other cause —nearly 100 from opioid overdose each day. Narconon shares five things you can do to ensure you and your loved ones don't become part of this statistic.

Even if you are almost certain a loved one is on drugs, it can be incredibly difficult to deal with it. But Narconon points out that any time spent waiting for the individual to "solve his own addiction problems" is time spent flirting with danger — or death.